Reading Amateur Regatta

Regatta Results (by Status)

Reading Amateur Regatta

Saturday 10th June 2017

Results for Womens Intermediate 3 Eights

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Switch to Sunday 11 June 2017

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Winner SecondTimeVerdict
1009:12W.IM3.8+68PAN(54) Pangbourne College BCXYZ(195) Status ChangeNTTNot Rowed Out
1109:15W.IM3.8+68CUR(56) Curlew RC (Phillips)UWS(57) University of Wales Swansea RC5:241 3/4 lengths
1209:18W.IM3.8+69ZGY(59) Galway RCUCL(58) University College London5:151 1/4 lengths
1309:21W.IM3.8+69NUN(61) Nottingham & Union RCKRC(60) Kingston Rowing Club5:322 1/2 lengths
1409:24W.IM3.8+70RDG(62) Reading RCFSC(63) Furnivall Sculling ClubNTT1/2 length
1509:27W.IM3.8+70UOC(65) University of ChesterCBR(64) City of Bristol RC5:332 1/4 lengths
1709:33W.IM3.8+71SOU(67) Southampton UniversityPTR(66) Putney Town RC5:322 1/2 lengths
1809:36W.IM3.8+71UBR(69) University of BristolCUR(68) Curlew RC (Binns)5:415 lengths
6812:21W.IM3.8+128PAN(54) Pangbourne College BCCUR(56) Curlew RC (Phillips)NTT1/4 length
6912:24W.IM3.8+128ZGY(59) Galway RCNUN(61) Nottingham & Union RCNTT2 lengths
7012:27W.IM3.8+129RDG(62) Reading RCUOC(65) University of Chester5:291 1/4 lengths
7112:30W.IM3.8+129UBR(69) University of BristolSOU(67) Southampton University5:261/4 length
12816:06W.IM3.8+161ZGY(59) Galway RCPAN(54) Pangbourne College BCNTT2 lengths
12916:09W.IM3.8+161UBR(69) University of BristolRDG(62) Reading RC5:25a canvas
16117:45W.IM3.8+ ZGY(59) Galway RCUBR(69) University of Bristol5:144 lengths

Crewnames in BOLD indicate the Winner!

This is the end of the Time Table