Reading Amateur Regatta

Regatta Timetable & Results

Reading Amateur Regatta

Saturday 10th June 2017

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Switch to Sunday 11 June 2017

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Winner SecondTimeVerdict
108:45W.IM1.2X34ZWQ(179) Radcliffe CrewDML(180) De Montfort University RC6:185 lengths
208:48W.IM1.4X38RDU(154) Reading University (Norton)SHU(153) Sheffield University RC2:59easily
408:54IM1.4-46CBR(131) City of Bristol RC (Piercy)PTR(130) Putney Town RC2:294 lengths
709:03W.IM1.4+56PTR(105) Putney Town RCMBC(106) Molesey BCNTT1 3/4 lengths
809:06IM1.4+59UWS(79) University of Wales Swansea RCPTR(80) Putney Town RC2:122 lengths
909:09IM1.4+62BOU(88) Bournemouth UniversitySGC(87) St George's College BCNTT5 lengths
1009:12W.IM3.8+68PAN(54) Pangbourne College BCXYZ(195) Status ChangeNTTNot Rowed Out
1109:15W.IM3.8+68CUR(56) Curlew RC (Phillips)UWS(57) University of Wales Swansea RC5:241 3/4 lengths
1209:18W.IM3.8+69ZGY(59) Galway RCUCL(58) University College London5:151 1/4 lengths
1309:21W.IM3.8+69NUN(61) Nottingham & Union RCKRC(60) Kingston Rowing Club5:322 1/2 lengths
1409:24W.IM3.8+70RDG(62) Reading RCFSC(63) Furnivall Sculling ClubNTT1/2 length
1509:27W.IM3.8+70UOC(65) University of ChesterCBR(64) City of Bristol RC5:332 1/4 lengths
1609:30W.NOV.8+66ULO(78) University of LondonSHU(77) Sheffield University RC5:273 1/2 lengths
1709:33W.IM3.8+71SOU(67) Southampton UniversityPTR(66) Putney Town RC5:322 1/2 lengths
1809:36W.IM3.8+71UBR(69) University of BristolCUR(68) Curlew RC (Binns)5:415 lengths
1909:39IM3.8+81VRC(19) Vesta RC (Pearson)BAU(20) Bath UniversityNTT2 lengths
2009:42IM3.8+81UBR(22) University of BristolSHP(21) Shiplake College4:46a canvas
2109:45IM3.8+83SHU(24) Sheffield University RCPTR(23) Putney Town RCNTT5 lengths
2209:48IM3.8+84RBL(28) Reading Blue Coat SchoolNUN(27) Nottingham & Union RCNTT1/4 length
2309:51IM3.8+84CHE(26) Cheltenham CollegeLEU(37) University of Leicester5:07easily
2409:54IM3.8+82MAU(31) Manchester UniversityVRC(32) Vesta RC (Chapman)4:542 1/2 lengths
16910:00IM3.8+82RAD(29) Radley College Boat ClubDUL(30) Dulwich CollegeNTTRow Over
2710:03IM1.1X93RDU(182) Reading UniversityUTC(181) Upper Thames RC6:014 lengths
2810:06IM1.1X92AGE(184) Agecroft RCOUL(185) Oxford University Lightweights5:54easily
2910:09IM1.1X92TRC(186) Thames RCRDU(187) Reading UniversityNTTRow Over
3010:12W.IM1.1X95ULO(194) University of LondonLLA(193) Llandaff RCNTTRow Over
3110:15W.IM1.2X98CFU/CMU(173) Cardiff/Cardiff Met UniversitiesDML(172) De Montfort University RC (Potin/Burwood)5:58easily
3610:20W.IM1.4X106RDU(149) Reading University (Such)DML(148) De Montfort University RC5:393 1/2 lengths
3210:33W.IM1.2X98ULO(174) University of LondonRDU(175) Reading UniversityNTTRow Over
3310:36W.IM1.2X99MAR(177) Marlow RCMBC(176) Molesey BCNTTRow Over
3410:39W.IM1.2X99ZWQ(179) Radcliffe CrewVRC(178) Vesta RC6:203 1/2 lengths
3510:42W.IM1.4X106RDU(146) Reading University (Grove)KRC(147) Kingston Rowing Club6:13Row Over
3710:48W.IM1.4X107NGU(151) Nottingham UniversityRDG(150) Reading RCNTT4 1/2 lengths
3810:51W.IM1.4X107ULO(152) University of LondonRDU(154) Reading University (Norton)NTT2/3 length
4111:00IM1.4X112RDU(141) Reading University (Jones)WRU(140) Worcester University RCNTTRow Over
4211:03IM1.4-114LEA(123) Lea Rowing ClubCBR(124) City of Bristol RC (Verdon)4:441 3/4 lengths
4311:06IM1.4-114CUR(125) Curlew RCRDG(126) Reading RCNTT3 lengths
4411:09IM1.4-115MAV(127) Maidstone Invicta RCOUL(128) Oxford University Lightweights4:591 length
4511:12W.IM1.4+110ULO(103) University of LondonCHE(101) Cheltenham CollegeNTTRow Over
4611:15IM1.4-115CBR(131) City of Bristol RC (Piercy)BED(129) Bedford Rowing Club5:014 lengths
4711:18W.IM3.4+111BOU(111) Bournemouth UniversityMAV(112) Maidstone Invicta RC6:07easily
4811:21W.NOV.4+118BAU(116) Bath University (Slater)TRC(117) Thames RCNTTRow Over
4911:24W.NOV.4+117BOU(120) Bournemouth UniversityUWS(119) University of Wales Swansea RCNTTRow Over
3911:25IM1.4X113RDU(135) Reading University (Dove)DML(136) De Montfort University RC5:01easily
5011:27W.NOV.4+117MAU(121) Manchester UniversityBAU(122) Bath University (Dunne)6:042 lengths
5111:30W.IM3.4+120UCL(115) University College LondonWRU(107) Worcester University RC5:491/3 length
5311:36W.IM3.4+111ZPS(114) St. Paul's, USATWK(113) Twickenham RC5:531 3/4 lengths
5411:39W.IM1.4+121ZWQ(98) Radcliffe CrewCOX(97) City of Oxford RC5:301 length
5511:42W.IM1.4+121VRC(99) Vesta RCIMP(100) Imperial College5:312 feet
5611:45W.IM1.4+110PTR(105) Putney Town RCMAR(104) Marlow RCNTTRow Over
5711:48NOV.4+122UWK(93) Warwick UniversityRBL(92) Reading Blue Coat School5:222 lengths
5811:51NOV.4+122SOU(95) Southampton UniversityCBR(94) City of Bristol RC5:401/2 length
5911:54IM1.4+124UWS(79) University of Wales Swansea RCTRC(81) Thames RC5:024 lengths
6011:57IM1.4+124MON(83) Monmouth RCVRC(82) Vesta RC5:112 1/2 lengths
6112:00IM1.4+125UBR(85) University of BristolSHU(84) Sheffield University RCNTTeasily
6212:03IM1.4+125SOC(86) Southampton Coalporters ARCBOU(88) Bournemouth UniversityNTT2 lengths
6312:06W.NOV.8+126SOU(71) Southampton UniversityNGU(70) Nottingham UniversityNTT2 1/2 lengths
6412:09W.NOV.8+126RDG(73) Reading RCAKN(72) Auriol KensingtonNTTeasily
6512:12W.NOV.8+127SWP(74) Sir William Perkins SchoolVRC(75) Vesta RCNTT3 lengths
6612:15W.NOV.8+127ULO(78) University of LondonUBR(76) University of BristolNTT3 1/2 lengths
6712:18NOV.4+123RDG(89) Reading RCBOU(90) Bournemouth UniversityNTTRow Over
6812:21W.IM3.8+128PAN(54) Pangbourne College BCCUR(56) Curlew RC (Phillips)NTT1/4 length
6912:24W.IM3.8+128ZGY(59) Galway RCNUN(61) Nottingham & Union RCNTT2 lengths
7012:27W.IM3.8+129RDG(62) Reading RCUOC(65) University of Chester5:291 1/4 lengths
7112:30W.IM3.8+129UBR(69) University of BristolSOU(67) Southampton University5:261/4 length
16813:00W.IM2.8+131UBR(55) University of BristolCOX(49) City of Oxford RC5:174 lengths
7213:03W.IM2.8+131ZWY(48) WPI CrewKRC(47) Kingston Rowing Club5:122/3 length
7313:06W.IM2.8+130ZPS(51) St. Paul's, USASTN(50) Staines BC5:163 lengths
7413:09W.IM2.8+130VRC(53) Vesta RCCBR(52) City of Bristol RC5:192/3 length
7513:12Sch.8+132ORA(42) The Oratory SchoolRBL(41) Reading Blue Coat School4:535 lengths
7613:15Sch.8+134GMS(46) Great Marlow SchoolDUL(45) Dulwich CollegeNTTRow Over
7713:18NOV.8+135UBR(34) University of BristolDUL(33) Dulwich CollegeNTTRow Over
7813:21NOV.8+135SOU(36) Southampton UniversityUWK(35) Warwick University5:104 lengths
7913:24NOV.8+137BOU(38) Bournemouth UniversityXYZ(196) Status ChangeNTTRow Over
8013:27NOV.8+137CHE(39) Cheltenham CollegeRBL(40) Reading Blue Coat School5:013 lengths
8113:30IM3.8+139VRC(19) Vesta RC (Pearson)UBR(22) University of Bristol4:502 lengths
8213:33IM3.8+140MAU(31) Manchester UniversityRAD(29) Radley College Boat Club4:481 1/2 lengths
8313:36IM3.8+139UWK(25) Warwick UniversitySHU(24) Sheffield University RC4:44a canvas
8413:39IM3.8+140RBL(28) Reading Blue Coat SchoolCHE(26) Cheltenham College4:473 lengths
8513:42IM2.8+133WIN(11) Winchester College BCCOX(10) City of Oxford RC4:433 1/2 lengths
8613:45IM2.8+133CAB(13) Cantabrigian RCSOU(12) Southampton UniversityNTT1 length
8713:48IM2.8+119UWE(14) University of the West of EnglandTWK(16) Twickenham RCNTT1 1/4 lengths
8813:51IM2.8+119LEA(18) Lea Rowing ClubSHP(17) Shiplake CollegeNTT2 1/2 lengths
8913:54IM1.8+138COX(9) City of Oxford RCCUR(1) Curlew RC4:301 length
9013:57IM1.8+141UBR(6) University of BristolBAU(5) Bath University4:411 length
9114:00IM1.8+141BDS(7) Bedford SchoolNSH(8) Nonesuch BC4:411 length
9214:03IM1.1X143AGE(184) Agecroft RCTRC(186) Thames RC5:42easily
9314:06IM1.1X143RDU(182) Reading UniversityEAR(183) Earith5:57easily
9414:09W.IM1.1X144ULO(191) University of LondonVRC(190) Vesta RCNTT4 lengths
9514:12W.IM1.1X144UBR(192) University of BristolULO(194) University of LondonNTT3 lengths
9614:15W.IM1.2-145ZWQ(169) Radcliffe CrewULO(168) University of London5:522 lengths
9714:18W.IM1.2-145MAR/MBC(170) Marlow/MoleseyVRC(171) Vesta RC6:04easily
9814:21W.IM1.2X146ULO(174) University of LondonCFU/CMU(173) Cardiff/Cardiff Met Universities5:494 lengths
9914:24W.IM1.2X146MAR(177) Marlow RCZWQ(179) Radcliffe Crew5:51easily
10114:30W.J15.4X+150RDG(163) Reading RCWRC(162) Wallingford RC5:584 lengths
10214:33W.J15.4X+150SHV(164) Shiplake Vikings RCWRC(165) Wallingford RC6:01easily
10314:36W.Sch.4X154SWP(155) Sir William Perkins SchoolSHP(156) Shiplake College5:261 length
10414:39IM1.8+138RAD(3) Radley College Boat ClubLEA(4) Lea Rowing Club4:271 length
10514:42W.Sch.4X154MBC(157) Molesey BCRDG(158) Reading RC5:47Not Rowed Out
10614:45W.IM1.4X155RDU(146) Reading University (Grove)RDU(149) Reading University (Such)5:26easily
10714:48W.IM1.4X155NGU(151) Nottingham UniversityULO(152) University of London4:553/4 length
10814:51Sch.4X156WRC(142) Wallingford RCMBC(143) Molesey BC4:563 lengths
10914:54Sch.4X156BDS(145) Bedford SchoolDUL(144) Dulwich CollegeNTTRow Over
11014:57W.IM1.4+153PTR(105) Putney Town RCULO(103) University of London5:27a canvas
11115:00W.IM3.4+136ZPS(114) St. Paul's, USABOU(111) Bournemouth University5:514 lengths
11215:03IM1.4X157RDG(139) Reading RCRDU(141) Reading University (Jones)NTT2 1/2 lengths
11315:06IM1.4X157RDU(135) Reading University (Dove)RDU(137) Reading University (O Connor)NTT4 lengths
11415:09IM1.4-158LEA(123) Lea Rowing ClubCUR(125) Curlew RCNTTeasily
11515:12IM1.4-158CBR(131) City of Bristol RC (Piercy)MAV(127) Maidstone Invicta RC4:493/4 length
11615:15W.IM1.4-159NGU(133) Nottingham UniversityZWY(134) WPI Crew5:265 lengths
11715:18W.NOV.4+149MAU(121) Manchester UniversityBOU(120) Bournemouth University6:21easily
11815:21W.NOV.4+149BAU(116) Bath University (Slater)SOU(118) Southampton University5:50easily
11915:24IM2.8+151UWE(14) University of the West of EnglandLEA(18) Lea Rowing Club4:371 3/4 lengths
12015:27W.IM3.4+136UCL(115) University College LondonMAU(109) Manchester University6:05easily
12115:30W.IM1.4+153ZWQ(98) Radcliffe CrewVRC(99) Vesta RC5:263 feet
12215:48NOV.4+152UWK(93) Warwick UniversitySOU(95) Southampton UniversityNTTRow Over
12315:51NOV.4+152MAU(91) Manchester UniversityRDG(89) Reading RC5:581/3 length
12415:54IM1.4+160UWS(79) University of Wales Swansea RCMON(83) Monmouth RC5:082 1/2 lengths
12515:57IM1.4+160UBR(85) University of BristolSOC(86) Southampton Coalporters ARC5:011/2 length
12616:00W.NOV.8+166SOU(71) Southampton UniversityRDG(73) Reading RC5:332 lengths
12716:03W.NOV.8+166SWP(74) Sir William Perkins SchoolULO(78) University of London5:281 1/2 lengths
12816:06W.IM3.8+161ZGY(59) Galway RCPAN(54) Pangbourne College BCNTT2 lengths
12916:09W.IM3.8+161UBR(69) University of BristolRDG(62) Reading RC5:25a canvas
13016:12W.IM2.8+162ZPS(51) St. Paul's, USAVRC(53) Vesta RC5:132 lengths
13116:15W.IM2.8+162UBR(55) University of BristolZWY(48) WPI Crew4:591 1/4 lengths
13216:18Sch.8+163SGC(43) St George's College BCORA(42) The Oratory SchoolNTT1 1/4 lengths
13316:21IM2.8+151WIN(11) Winchester College BCCAB(13) Cantabrigian RC4:351 length
13416:24Sch.8+163GMS(46) Great Marlow SchoolPAN(44) Pangbourne College BC4:343/4 length
13516:27NOV.8+164SOU(36) Southampton UniversityUBR(34) University of Bristol4:553 lengths
13616:30W.IM3.4+ ZPS(114) St. Paul's, USAUCL(115) University College London5:465 lengths
13716:33NOV.8+164CHE(39) Cheltenham CollegeBOU(38) Bournemouth University4:541 length
13816:36IM1.8+167RAD(3) Radley College Boat ClubCOX(9) City of Oxford RC4:291/2 length
13916:39IM3.8+165VRC(19) Vesta RC (Pearson)UWK(25) Warwick UniversityNTT3 feet
14016:42IM3.8+165MAU(31) Manchester UniversityRBL(28) Reading Blue Coat School4:451/4 length
14116:45IM1.8+167BDS(7) Bedford SchoolUBR(6) University of Bristol4:321/2 length
14216:48W.ELI.1X RDG(189) Reading RCRDG(188) Reading RC6:003 lengths
14316:51IM1.1X AGE(184) Agecroft RCRDU(182) Reading University5:393 1/2 lengths
14416:54W.IM1.1X ULO(191) University of LondonUBR(192) University of Bristol6:05easily
14516:57W.IM1.2- ZWQ(169) Radcliffe CrewMAR/MBC(170) Marlow/Molesey5:582 lengths
14617:00W.IM1.2X ULO(174) University of LondonMAR(177) Marlow RC5:462 1/2 lengths
14717:03ELI.2- TRC(166) Thames RCIMP(167) Imperial College5:203/4 length
14817:06J15.4X+ WIN(160) Winchester College BCWRC(159) Wallingford RC5:253 lengths
14917:09W.NOV.4+ BAU(116) Bath University (Slater)MAU(121) Manchester UniversityNTTeasily
15017:12W.J15.4X+ RDG(163) Reading RCSHV(164) Shiplake Vikings RC4:162 1/2 lengths
15117:15IM2.8+ WIN(11) Winchester College BCUWE(14) University of the West of EnglandNTT1 1/4 lengths
15217:18NOV.4+ UWK(93) Warwick UniversityMAU(91) Manchester University5:04easily
15317:21W.IM1.4+ PTR(105) Putney Town RCZWQ(98) Radcliffe Crew5:311 1/4 lengths
15417:24W.Sch.4X SWP(155) Sir William Perkins SchoolMBC(157) Molesey BC5:32Not Rowed Out
15517:27W.IM1.4X RDU(146) Reading University (Grove)NGU(151) Nottingham University5:122 lengths
15617:30Sch.4X WRC(142) Wallingford RCBDS(145) Bedford School4:564 lengths
15717:33IM1.4X RDU(135) Reading University (Dove)RDG(139) Reading RC4:381 1/2 lengths
15817:36IM1.4- LEA(123) Lea Rowing ClubCBR(131) City of Bristol RC (Piercy)4:474 lengths
15917:39W.IM1.4- NGU(133) Nottingham UniversityZWQ(132) Radcliffe CrewNTTRow Over
16017:42IM1.4+ UBR(85) University of BristolUWS(79) University of Wales Swansea RC4:591 1/4 lengths
16117:45W.IM3.8+ ZGY(59) Galway RCUBR(69) University of Bristol5:144 lengths
16217:48W.IM2.8+ ZPS(51) St. Paul's, USAUBR(55) University of Bristol5:041/2 length
16317:51Sch.8+ GMS(46) Great Marlow SchoolSGC(43) St George's College BC4:401 1/4 lengths
16417:54NOV.8+ SOU(36) Southampton UniversityCHE(39) Cheltenham College4:55a canvas
16517:57IM3.8+ VRC(19) Vesta RC (Pearson)MAU(31) Manchester University4:441 1/2 lengths
16618:00W.NOV.8+ SWP(74) Sir William Perkins SchoolSOU(71) Southampton University5:273/4 length
16718:03IM1.8+ RAD(3) Radley College Boat ClubBDS(7) Bedford School4:292 1/2 lengths

Crewnames in BOLD indicate the Winner!

This is the end of the Time Table

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Oxfordshire Berkshire
108:45W.IM1.2X34ZWQ(179) Radcliffe CrewDML(180) De Montfort University RC
208:48W.IM1.4X38SHU(153) Sheffield University RCRDU(154) Reading University (Norton)
408:54IM1.4-46PTR(130) Putney Town RCCBR(131) City of Bristol RC (Piercy)
709:03W.IM1.4+56PTR(105) Putney Town RCMBC(106) Molesey BC
809:06IM1.4+59UWS(79) University of Wales Swansea RCPTR(80) Putney Town RC
909:09IM1.4+62SGC(87) St George's College BCBOU(88) Bournemouth University
1009:12W.IM3.8+68PAN(54) Pangbourne College BCXYZ(195) Status Change
1109:15W.IM3.8+68CUR(56) Curlew RC (Phillips)UWS(57) University of Wales Swansea RC
1209:18W.IM3.8+69UCL(58) University College LondonZGY(59) Galway RC
1309:21W.IM3.8+69KRC(60) Kingston Rowing ClubNUN(61) Nottingham & Union RC
1409:24W.IM3.8+70RDG(62) Reading RCFSC(63) Furnivall Sculling Club
1509:27W.IM3.8+70CBR(64) City of Bristol RCUOC(65) University of Chester
1609:30W.NOV.8+66SHU(77) Sheffield University RCULO(78) University of London
1709:33W.IM3.8+71PTR(66) Putney Town RCSOU(67) Southampton University
1809:36W.IM3.8+71CUR(68) Curlew RC (Binns)UBR(69) University of Bristol
1909:39IM3.8+81VRC(19) Vesta RC (Pearson)BAU(20) Bath University
2009:42IM3.8+81SHP(21) Shiplake CollegeUBR(22) University of Bristol
2109:45IM3.8+83PTR(23) Putney Town RCSHU(24) Sheffield University RC
2209:48IM3.8+84NUN(27) Nottingham & Union RCRBL(28) Reading Blue Coat School
2309:51IM3.8+84CHE(26) Cheltenham CollegeLEU(37) University of Leicester
2409:54IM3.8+82MAU(31) Manchester UniversityVRC(32) Vesta RC (Chapman)
16910:00IM3.8+82RAD(29) Radley College Boat ClubDUL(30) Dulwich College
2710:03IM1.1X93UTC(181) Upper Thames RCRDU(182) Reading University
2810:06IM1.1X92AGE(184) Agecroft RCOUL(185) Oxford University Lightweights
2910:09IM1.1X92TRC(186) Thames RCRDU(187) Reading University
3010:12W.IM1.1X95LLA(193) Llandaff RCULO(194) University of London
3110:15W.IM1.2X98DML(172) De Montfort University RC (Potin/Burwood)CFU/CMU(173) Cardiff/Cardiff Met Universities
3610:20W.IM1.4X106DML(148) De Montfort University RCRDU(149) Reading University (Such)
3210:33W.IM1.2X98ULO(174) University of LondonRDU(175) Reading University
3310:36W.IM1.2X99MBC(176) Molesey BCMAR(177) Marlow RC
3410:39W.IM1.2X99VRC(178) Vesta RCZWQ(179) Radcliffe Crew
3510:42W.IM1.4X106RDU(146) Reading University (Grove)KRC(147) Kingston Rowing Club
3710:48W.IM1.4X107RDG(150) Reading RCNGU(151) Nottingham University
3810:51W.IM1.4X107ULO(152) University of LondonRDU(154) Reading University (Norton)
4111:00IM1.4X112WRU(140) Worcester University RCRDU(141) Reading University (Jones)
4211:03IM1.4-114LEA(123) Lea Rowing ClubCBR(124) City of Bristol RC (Verdon)
4311:06IM1.4-114CUR(125) Curlew RCRDG(126) Reading RC
4411:09IM1.4-115MAV(127) Maidstone Invicta RCOUL(128) Oxford University Lightweights
4511:12W.IM1.4+110CHE(101) Cheltenham CollegeULO(103) University of London
4611:15IM1.4-115BED(129) Bedford Rowing ClubCBR(131) City of Bristol RC (Piercy)
4711:18W.IM3.4+111BOU(111) Bournemouth UniversityMAV(112) Maidstone Invicta RC
4811:21W.NOV.4+118BAU(116) Bath University (Slater)TRC(117) Thames RC
4911:24W.NOV.4+117UWS(119) University of Wales Swansea RCBOU(120) Bournemouth University
3911:25IM1.4X113RDU(135) Reading University (Dove)DML(136) De Montfort University RC
5011:27W.NOV.4+117MAU(121) Manchester UniversityBAU(122) Bath University (Dunne)
5111:30W.IM3.4+120WRU(107) Worcester University RCUCL(115) University College London
5311:36W.IM3.4+111TWK(113) Twickenham RCZPS(114) St. Paul's, USA
5411:39W.IM1.4+121COX(97) City of Oxford RCZWQ(98) Radcliffe Crew
5511:42W.IM1.4+121VRC(99) Vesta RCIMP(100) Imperial College
5611:45W.IM1.4+110MAR(104) Marlow RCPTR(105) Putney Town RC
5711:48NOV.4+122RBL(92) Reading Blue Coat SchoolUWK(93) Warwick University
5811:51NOV.4+122CBR(94) City of Bristol RCSOU(95) Southampton University
5911:54IM1.4+124UWS(79) University of Wales Swansea RCTRC(81) Thames RC
6011:57IM1.4+124VRC(82) Vesta RCMON(83) Monmouth RC
6112:00IM1.4+125SHU(84) Sheffield University RCUBR(85) University of Bristol
6212:03IM1.4+125SOC(86) Southampton Coalporters ARCBOU(88) Bournemouth University
6312:06W.NOV.8+126NGU(70) Nottingham UniversitySOU(71) Southampton University
6412:09W.NOV.8+126AKN(72) Auriol KensingtonRDG(73) Reading RC
6512:12W.NOV.8+127SWP(74) Sir William Perkins SchoolVRC(75) Vesta RC
6612:15W.NOV.8+127UBR(76) University of BristolULO(78) University of London
6712:18NOV.4+123RDG(89) Reading RCBOU(90) Bournemouth University
6812:21W.IM3.8+128PAN(54) Pangbourne College BCCUR(56) Curlew RC (Phillips)
6912:24W.IM3.8+128ZGY(59) Galway RCNUN(61) Nottingham & Union RC
7012:27W.IM3.8+129RDG(62) Reading RCUOC(65) University of Chester
7112:30W.IM3.8+129SOU(67) Southampton UniversityUBR(69) University of Bristol
16813:00W.IM2.8+131COX(49) City of Oxford RCUBR(55) University of Bristol
7213:03W.IM2.8+131KRC(47) Kingston Rowing ClubZWY(48) WPI Crew
7313:06W.IM2.8+130STN(50) Staines BCZPS(51) St. Paul's, USA
7413:09W.IM2.8+130CBR(52) City of Bristol RCVRC(53) Vesta RC
7513:12Sch.8+132RBL(41) Reading Blue Coat SchoolORA(42) The Oratory School
7613:15Sch.8+134DUL(45) Dulwich CollegeGMS(46) Great Marlow School
7713:18NOV.8+135DUL(33) Dulwich CollegeUBR(34) University of Bristol
7813:21NOV.8+135UWK(35) Warwick UniversitySOU(36) Southampton University
7913:24NOV.8+137XYZ(196) Status ChangeBOU(38) Bournemouth University
8013:27NOV.8+137CHE(39) Cheltenham CollegeRBL(40) Reading Blue Coat School
8113:30IM3.8+139VRC(19) Vesta RC (Pearson)UBR(22) University of Bristol
8213:33IM3.8+140RAD(29) Radley College Boat ClubMAU(31) Manchester University
8313:36IM3.8+139SHU(24) Sheffield University RCUWK(25) Warwick University
8413:39IM3.8+140CHE(26) Cheltenham CollegeRBL(28) Reading Blue Coat School
8513:42IM2.8+133COX(10) City of Oxford RCWIN(11) Winchester College BC
8613:45IM2.8+133SOU(12) Southampton UniversityCAB(13) Cantabrigian RC
8713:48IM2.8+119UWE(14) University of the West of EnglandTWK(16) Twickenham RC
8813:51IM2.8+119SHP(17) Shiplake CollegeLEA(18) Lea Rowing Club
8913:54IM1.8+138CUR(1) Curlew RCCOX(9) City of Oxford RC
9013:57IM1.8+141BAU(5) Bath UniversityUBR(6) University of Bristol
9114:00IM1.8+141BDS(7) Bedford SchoolNSH(8) Nonesuch BC
9214:03IM1.1X143AGE(184) Agecroft RCTRC(186) Thames RC
9314:06IM1.1X143RDU(182) Reading UniversityEAR(183) Earith
9414:09W.IM1.1X144VRC(190) Vesta RCULO(191) University of London
9514:12W.IM1.1X144UBR(192) University of BristolULO(194) University of London
9614:15W.IM1.2-145ULO(168) University of LondonZWQ(169) Radcliffe Crew
9714:18W.IM1.2-145MAR/MBC(170) Marlow/MoleseyVRC(171) Vesta RC
9814:21W.IM1.2X146CFU/CMU(173) Cardiff/Cardiff Met UniversitiesULO(174) University of London
9914:24W.IM1.2X146MAR(177) Marlow RCZWQ(179) Radcliffe Crew
10114:30W.J15.4X+150WRC(162) Wallingford RCRDG(163) Reading RC
10214:33W.J15.4X+150SHV(164) Shiplake Vikings RCWRC(165) Wallingford RC
10314:36W.Sch.4X154SWP(155) Sir William Perkins SchoolSHP(156) Shiplake College
10414:39IM1.8+138RAD(3) Radley College Boat ClubLEA(4) Lea Rowing Club
10514:42W.Sch.4X154MBC(157) Molesey BCRDG(158) Reading RC
10614:45W.IM1.4X155RDU(146) Reading University (Grove)RDU(149) Reading University (Such)
10714:48W.IM1.4X155NGU(151) Nottingham UniversityULO(152) University of London
10814:51Sch.4X156WRC(142) Wallingford RCMBC(143) Molesey BC
10914:54Sch.4X156DUL(144) Dulwich CollegeBDS(145) Bedford School
11014:57W.IM1.4+153ULO(103) University of LondonPTR(105) Putney Town RC
11115:00W.IM3.4+136BOU(111) Bournemouth UniversityZPS(114) St. Paul's, USA
11215:03IM1.4X157RDG(139) Reading RCRDU(141) Reading University (Jones)
11315:06IM1.4X157RDU(135) Reading University (Dove)RDU(137) Reading University (O Connor)
11415:09IM1.4-158LEA(123) Lea Rowing ClubCUR(125) Curlew RC
11515:12IM1.4-158MAV(127) Maidstone Invicta RCCBR(131) City of Bristol RC (Piercy)
11615:15W.IM1.4-159NGU(133) Nottingham UniversityZWY(134) WPI Crew
11715:18W.NOV.4+149BOU(120) Bournemouth UniversityMAU(121) Manchester University
11815:21W.NOV.4+149BAU(116) Bath University (Slater)SOU(118) Southampton University
11915:24IM2.8+151UWE(14) University of the West of EnglandLEA(18) Lea Rowing Club
12015:27W.IM3.4+136UCL(115) University College LondonMAU(109) Manchester University
12115:30W.IM1.4+153ZWQ(98) Radcliffe CrewVRC(99) Vesta RC
12215:48NOV.4+152UWK(93) Warwick UniversitySOU(95) Southampton University
12315:51NOV.4+152RDG(89) Reading RCMAU(91) Manchester University
12415:54IM1.4+160UWS(79) University of Wales Swansea RCMON(83) Monmouth RC
12515:57IM1.4+160UBR(85) University of BristolSOC(86) Southampton Coalporters ARC
12616:00W.NOV.8+166SOU(71) Southampton UniversityRDG(73) Reading RC
12716:03W.NOV.8+166SWP(74) Sir William Perkins SchoolULO(78) University of London
12816:06W.IM3.8+161PAN(54) Pangbourne College BCZGY(59) Galway RC
12916:09W.IM3.8+161RDG(62) Reading RCUBR(69) University of Bristol
13016:12W.IM2.8+162ZPS(51) St. Paul's, USAVRC(53) Vesta RC
13116:15W.IM2.8+162ZWY(48) WPI CrewUBR(55) University of Bristol
13216:18Sch.8+163ORA(42) The Oratory SchoolSGC(43) St George's College BC
13316:21IM2.8+151WIN(11) Winchester College BCCAB(13) Cantabrigian RC
13416:24Sch.8+163PAN(44) Pangbourne College BCGMS(46) Great Marlow School
13516:27NOV.8+164UBR(34) University of BristolSOU(36) Southampton University
13616:30W.IM3.4+ UCL(115) University College LondonZPS(114) St. Paul's, USA
13716:33NOV.8+164BOU(38) Bournemouth UniversityCHE(39) Cheltenham College
13816:36IM1.8+167COX(9) City of Oxford RCRAD(3) Radley College Boat Club
13916:39IM3.8+165VRC(19) Vesta RC (Pearson)UWK(25) Warwick University
14016:42IM3.8+165RBL(28) Reading Blue Coat SchoolMAU(31) Manchester University
14116:45IM1.8+167UBR(6) University of BristolBDS(7) Bedford School
14216:48W.ELI.1X RDG(188) Reading RCRDG(189) Reading RC
14316:51IM1.1X RDU(182) Reading UniversityAGE(184) Agecroft RC
14416:54W.IM1.1X ULO(191) University of LondonUBR(192) University of Bristol
14516:57W.IM1.2- ZWQ(169) Radcliffe CrewMAR/MBC(170) Marlow/Molesey
14617:00W.IM1.2X ULO(174) University of LondonMAR(177) Marlow RC
14717:03ELI.2- TRC(166) Thames RCIMP(167) Imperial College
14817:06J15.4X+ WRC(159) Wallingford RCWIN(160) Winchester College BC
14917:09W.NOV.4+ BAU(116) Bath University (Slater)MAU(121) Manchester University
15017:12W.J15.4X+ RDG(163) Reading RCSHV(164) Shiplake Vikings RC
15117:15IM2.8+ WIN(11) Winchester College BCUWE(14) University of the West of England
15217:18NOV.4+ MAU(91) Manchester UniversityUWK(93) Warwick University
15317:21W.IM1.4+ ZWQ(98) Radcliffe CrewPTR(105) Putney Town RC
15417:24W.Sch.4X SWP(155) Sir William Perkins SchoolMBC(157) Molesey BC
15517:27W.IM1.4X RDU(146) Reading University (Grove)NGU(151) Nottingham University
15617:30Sch.4X WRC(142) Wallingford RCBDS(145) Bedford School
15717:33IM1.4X RDU(135) Reading University (Dove)RDG(139) Reading RC
15817:36IM1.4- LEA(123) Lea Rowing ClubCBR(131) City of Bristol RC (Piercy)
15917:39W.IM1.4- ZWQ(132) Radcliffe CrewNGU(133) Nottingham University
16017:42IM1.4+ UWS(79) University of Wales Swansea RCUBR(85) University of Bristol
16117:45W.IM3.8+ ZGY(59) Galway RCUBR(69) University of Bristol
16217:48W.IM2.8+ UBR(55) University of BristolZPS(51) St. Paul's, USA
16317:51Sch.8+ SGC(43) St George's College BCGMS(46) Great Marlow School
16417:54NOV.8+ SOU(36) Southampton UniversityCHE(39) Cheltenham College
16517:57IM3.8+ VRC(19) Vesta RC (Pearson)MAU(31) Manchester University
16618:00W.NOV.8+ SOU(71) Southampton UniversitySWP(74) Sir William Perkins School
16718:03IM1.8+ RAD(3) Radley College Boat ClubBDS(7) Bedford School

Crewnames in BOLD indicate the Winner!

This is the end of the Time Table